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Soul Contact
by Sally Strackbein

Recently, Ray and I talked to each other about how much we value our special two-way communication. We both listen to the other as well as talk. Something happens that's way more than just talking and listening. Ray identified it. It's 'Soul Contact.'

    Soul Contact is what happens when you speak from your heart and also listen with your heart. Magic happens between two people when we allow that two-way connection.

Invite Soul Contact by softening your eyes from 'Eye Contact' to 'Eye Invitation.' First, begin with a friendly face in your audience and then speak to one person at a time, lingering with each person for at least 2 or 3 sentences or more. Then, as you speak, receive the unspoken response from each person. Look as you speak. Look as you listen.

Practice on delivery people and sales associates. When you actively look into the eyes of the people you are with, they perceive that you care about them. Try inviting Soul Contact with your family. Then try it with friends.

Magic happens when people feel connected. You will be perceived as a connected speaker.

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copyright © Sally Strackbein.

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Sally Strackbein is a consultant, speaker and author.
To find out more about her programs and services,
or call 703-262-0361.


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